Amiga Format CD 46
Amiga Format CD46 (1999-10-20)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-12].iso
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Assembly Source File
119 lines
* 26.asm Open a window version 0.00 1.9.97
; This program does what Teaching/20.asm did, and then opens a window.
; it also sets up an IDCMP port (see the IDCMP section under intuition
; i/o methods in the ROM Kernal manual). The only IDCMP message
; receivable is the close gadget, so the program waits until you click
; the close gadget, and then closes the window & screen, and exits.
; Notice that you can resize and move the window, of which your program is
; oblivious, before you click the close gadget. If your program needed to
; know that the window is moved and/or resized, you could arrange to get
; IDCMP messages for that.
; For tag details, see the autodoc for OpenWindow
; You will see later that there is a simpler way to open a window using
; Front.i; so this program is simply for instructional purposes. Note the
; way putting OpenScreen & OpenWindow in subroutines makes the logic of
; Program easier to follow.
include 'Front.i' ;*** save to Tandem.i if stepping thru TL's ***
strings: dc.b 0
st_1: dc.b 'My screen',0 ;1
st_2: dc.b 'My window (click the close gadget)',0 ;2
ds.w 0
screen: ds.l 1 ;screen opened by Screen
window: ds.l 1 ;window opened by Window
pens: dc.l -1 ;default pens structure
* open screen & window; close & exit when close gadget clicked
bsr OpenScreen ;open a screen
beq.s Pr_bad ;bad if couldn't
bsr OpenWindow ;open a window on the screen
beq.s Pr_close ;bad if couldn't (unlikely)
move.l window,a2
move.l wd_UserPort(a2),a0 ;point to the port for IDCMP messages
move.l xxp_sysb(a4),a6
jsr _LVOWaitPort(a6) ;wait for an IDCMP message to appear
move.l wd_UserPort(a2),a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6) ;get the message
move.l d0,a1
jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6) ;reply without inspection - must be close window
move.l xxp_intb(a4),a6 ;closewindow gadget clicked, so close window
move.l window,a0
jsr _LVOCloseWindow(a6) ;(this deletes any un-got messages)
move.l xxp_intb(a4),a6 ;close the screen (no windows must be open)
move.l screen,a0
jsr _LVOCloseScreen(a6)
rts ;& return ok
move.l xxp_intb(a4),a6
sub.l a0,a0
jsr _LVODisplayBeep(a6) ;if bad, beep existing screens
rts ;& return bad
* open a screen
sub.l #6*8+4,a7 ;room for 6 tags (8 bytes per tag + 4 at end)
move.l a7,a0
move.l #SA_Width,(a0)+ ; 1st tag: width=640
move.l #STDSCREENWIDTH,(a0)+
move.l #SA_Height,(a0)+ ; 2nd tag: height=200/256
move.l #SA_Depth,(a0)+ ; 3rd tag: depth=2
move.l #2,(a0)+
move.l #SA_Pens,(a0)+ ; 4th tag: pass SA_Pens to get new look
move.l #pens,(a0)+
move.l #SA_Title,(a0)+ ; 5th tag: send title
move.l #st_1,(a0)+
move.l #SA_DisplayID,(a0)+ ; 6th tag: display (hires)
move.l #HIRES_KEY,(a0)+
move.l #TAG_DONE,(a0) ;delimit tag list
move.l xxp_intb(a4),a6
sub.l a0,a0 ;a0 is null, since no NewScreen structure
move.l a7,a1 ;a1 points to taglist
jsr _LVOOpenScreenTagList(a6) ;open screen
add.l #6*8+4,a7 ;discard tag list, restore stack
move.l d0,screen
rts ;EQ if bad
* open a window on the screen already opened
sub.l #10*8+4,a7 ;room for 10 tags
move.l a7,a0
move.l #WA_Left,(a0)+ ; 1st tag: left posn
move.l #100,(a0)+
move.l #WA_Top,(a0)+ ; 2nd tag: top posn
move.l #30,(a0)+
move.l #WA_Width,(a0)+ ; 3rd tag: width
move.l #400,(a0)+
move.l #WA_Height,(a0)+ ; 4th tag: height
move.l #150,(a0)+
move.l #WA_Flags,(a0)+ ; 5th tag: flags (system gadgets)
move.l #1$,(a0)+
move.l #WA_IDCMP,(a0)+ ; 6th tag: IDCMP (only signal if window closes)
move.l #WA_Title,(a0)+ ; 7th tag: widow title
move.l #st_2,(a0)+
move.l #WA_CustomScreen,(a0)+ ; 8th flag: screen pointer
move.l screen,(a0)+
move.l #WA_MinWidth,(a0)+ ; 9th flag: minimum width
move.l #200,(a0)+
move.l #WA_MinHeight,(a0)+ ; 10th flag: minimum height
move.l #20,(a0)+
move.l #TAG_DONE,(a0) ;delimit tag list
move.l xxp_intb(a4),a6
sub.l a0,a0 ;no NewWindow structure
move.l a7,a1 ;point to taglist
jsr _LVOOpenWindowTagList(a6) ;open window
add.l #10*8+4,a7 ;discard flags, restore stack
move.l d0,window ;remember window structure address
rts ;EQ if bad, NE if good